Sunday 7 August 2011

why do we need GOD!

before i start i do not mean to offend anyone in the process of writing this.

i have been thinking it for a while. Why do we need God? if we are sad/depressed/ need someone to talk things to, "most" of us will go to our closest friends rather than pray to "God" ( or a higher entity) why do we do this? Well in my opinion we go to our closet friends because we know we will get a answer straight away, rather than praying and have no guaranty of getting a answer.

i put it on facebook and a friend posted this

Fear seems to be a good motivator. [I don't have a quote!]
I think a lot of people are afraid of a life when you have to consider the possibility that there is no higher power to control life, and nowhere to go when we die. That this is just it, we make our own destiny, good things happen to bad people and vice versa because that's the way the world is, not because there is a God [or Gods] to dictate it. Personally, I'd rather believe in people than God; and I'd rather be afraid of the finality of a fragile life than believe in something that I can't prove will be there to save me.

i think that sums it up pretty well.

i was talking to a old friend in Ipswich who used to go to church with me but moved to ipswich and has been questioning faith. and he heard a quote "On the sixth day, God created man. On the seventh day, man returned the favor"

This is all coming about due to me questioning the way the church is run nowadays and its attitude towards young Christians.

and to sum it up

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